Hair Thinning & Hair Loss – Causes & Prevention

Hair by Nicky Trynide


Excessively-falling out hair is a really embarrassing problem for many women. Hair loss affects self-esteem and can be caused by lots of dangerous factors. If you lose more than 100 hairs a day, you should definitely contact a doctor and follow the appropriate scalp care at home. Check what hair care should look like, which products are best for you and what causes female hair loss.

Hair loss – causes

There are lots of factors which make hair fall out in excess. The most common ones include:

  • undernourishment, also the deficiency of micro and macro elements;
  • disturbed levels of hormones, thyroid diseases, a large number of androgens causing baldness and a drop in estrogen levels after the menopause;
  • scalp fungus and scalp Seborrheic dermatitis;
  • alopecia areata – an autoimmune disease when the body attacks itself;
  • pharmaceuticals taken during chemotherapy, anticoagulant therapy, contraceptives;
  • heavy metal poisoning;
  • a harsh diet and an extreme weight loss;
  • long-term cold;
  • wrong hairdo e.g. a tight bun or ponytail, backcombing, clips and hair ties;
  • coloring, chemical processing, heat styling, some styling primers;
  • disorders appearing through unconscious hair-pulling;
  • pregnancy and labor;
  • blow-drying with a very hot airflow;
  • smoking cigarettes;
  • anorexia and bulimia;
  • weather conditions, including the sunlight, snow and frost.

Female & Male Hair Loss

Male hair loss begins around the age of 40. Its causes usually include deteriorated hair follicles, lowered pigmentation and genes. Men are usually affected by alopecia areata (large bald patches on scalp) and pattern hair loss characterized by bold top of the scalp and receding hair line, and excessive hair in ears, nose and on the back.

Hair loss in females is caused by slightly different factors, including lack of iron, stress, post-labor period, hormonal diseases, the excess of male hormones, over-sensitivity of bulbs to androgens. If you’ve noticed hair loss, see the doctor immediately. A trichologist is a doctor who deals with such issues.

What does the trichologist consultation look like?

Thanks to successful diagnosis, you can save yourself from serious consequences of hair loss and detect dangerous diseases. A trichologist will help you, carrying out an examination and prescribing medication and hair products. During the doctor’s interview, you’ll be asked about your hair care routine, lifestyle, factors which might have led to hair loss and scalp diseases. Then, the doctor examines the scalp with a trichoscope at the 200-fold magnification. Sometimes, taking hair samples is necessary.

Hair loss – prevention

Everyone knows that it’s better to prevent than heal. That’s why, if you have fine hair which is prone to falling out, you must pay more attention to its care. You’ll make use of hair growth treatments available at the chemist’s and hair care products recommended by renowned hair salons. Remember about gentle washing, towel-drying, brushing and blow-drying with a cold air flow. Avoid coloring, bleaching, permanent wave and other processing procedures which disturb the hair structure, weaken hair bulbs and irritate the scalp. Enrich your diet with products rich in vitamins (A, B and E) and micro-elements (iron, zinc, magnesium, selenium).

How to cure thinning hair & hair loss?

Using scalp conditioners and hair rinses, which strengthen bulbs and hair stem, is one of the remedies for hair loss and excessive falling out. The right diet, hair care routine and hygiene matter, too. Wearing hair extensions and undergoing treatments which apply the use of lasers (generating the light that stimulates hair growth and boosts hair thickness) are popular as well. Other cures for thinning hair focus on products with silicones, Aloe, sea minerals, collagen and ceramides, as well as avocado oil, jojoba oil and Shea butter.

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About the Author
Nicky Trynide

is a professional make up artist whose work has graced the runway and the red carpet as well as national and international television shows and magazines. Nicky credits his long and successful career in the industry to his innate ability to see and bring out the beauty in everyone. Growing up, his passion for his future profession was sparked by his mother and two grandmothers, all European-trained estheticians

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