They Give Your Age Away! How to Keep Hands Youthful-Looking & Smooth?

Others by Nicky Trynide

Which one would you choose – a rejuvenating facial or an anti-aging hand treatment? The former, that’s for sure. However, your hands are more exposed to the action of harmful elements and they are the ones that people look at when they first meet you. Find out how not to skip the hand care routine!

Do you know the best way to decode a woman’s age? She might have flawless makeup and smooth skin, be fit and have a slim silhouette but her hands will give her away. They will clearly show the hard work and tiredness she’s been through.

Skin on hands – characteristics

Sadly, the skin on hands ages the most quickly, which is caused by a few factors.

  • Firstly, we have very few sebaceous glands in the hand area so the thin skin is deprived of the proper protection. It is likely to lose moisture and (consequently) elasticity more quickly.
  • Secondly, hands are exposed to many harmful factors almost every day. Detergents, hard water, drying soap, sunlight, wind, humidity, frost and heat alternately – they all have a bad impact on the fragile hand skin.
  • Thirdly, we don’t devote enough time to hand care. We are totally focused on face skin and anti-cellulite routine as using anti-wrinkle creams is the easiest thing we can do.

How to care for skin on your hands?

Hand care matters hugely and you can’t forget it. Try to get in the habit of using a moisturizer. How? A nutrient-rich lotion will do. Always carry a travel-size lotion in your bag and apply it whenever you feel your hands are getting chapped and coarse.

Never forget to wear gloves, especially in winter when weather conditions are harsh and the skin starts drastically lose hydration, it is exposed to frostbite and irritation. What about the summertime? In warm months, the sun protection is a must so get a good UV filter cream.

There are other activities which give benefits as well – everyday hand massage which increases skin microcirculation and special hand treatments. No need for salon appointments – sometimes a hand home bath with oils or a repairing mask will do.

Which hand lotion wins the game?

How do we know which hand lotion is the best if we are spoilt for choice? What to pay attention to while shopping for a hand cream? Take a look at the most popular types of hand lotions:

  • a moisturising lotion cut out for dry skin which is prone to chapping;
  • a nutrient-rich cream which is a vitamin bomb for hands;
  • a repair hand lotion which combines nourishing with strengthening;
  • a protective cream which makes best choice in winter when skin dries quickly;
  • an anti-wrinkle cream which reduces skin aging;
  • a healing cream meant for extreme cases.

It would be perfect if everyone chose hand lotions respecting their own needs. If your hands are delicate, it’s summer and you want to give them a gentle moisture boost, you don’t need a greasy thick cream – pick a light hydrating formula instead. Let’s pay attention to the consistency of a cosmetic, as well as to the ingredients because they guarantee the desired effect.

Hand skin rejuvenating treatments

When you spot first lines on your hands and notice the skin gets extremely dry, it will be hard to bring back the vitality. Therefore, preventive anti-aging routine is so crucial! Still, there are a few treatments that let you restore youthful looks to your hands:

  • hyaluronic acid fillers;
  • laser resurfacing;
  • professional nourishing and repairing treatment;
  • hand moisturising, oil-based baths.
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About the Author
Nicky Trynide

is a professional make up artist whose work has graced the runway and the red carpet as well as national and international television shows and magazines. Nicky credits his long and successful career in the industry to his innate ability to see and bring out the beauty in everyone. Growing up, his passion for his future profession was sparked by his mother and two grandmothers, all European-trained estheticians

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